Saturday, 16 December 2017

Another North Island hundy in the books

Shaun Gilbert has pulled out another North Island 100+km flight from Te Mata Peak.

To our knowledge, Shaun is the only pilot to have flown over 100km in the North Island, always in Hawkes Bay. Congratulations Shaun, very inspiring.

Who's up for trying to get more pilots into this exclusive club this season?

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Southern Club is killing it - Auckland humiliated

Huge flights by Bryan Moore and Michal Karnik, among others, have lead to the Southern Club having more points in the competition than all other clubs put together.

Auckland, smug at the start of the season, have fallen to the bottom.

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Thank you, Jakub Havel

When we were in Macedonia we finally met Jakub Havel who is the brains behind XContest. Jakub has been incredibly helpful while we set up this project and we thank him very much, he's a great man.

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Win a subscription to XC magazine

MacPara NZ are kindly sponsoring a prize, once again, this season, to be randomly awarded to any pilot who puts at least one (valid) flight on the New Zealand XContest.

See here for more information.

The draw will take place on the 31st of March 2018

Thursday, 27 April 2017

One month in... Auckland in the lead

It's about a month since we went live with XContest in New Zealand and we've had 17 XC flights logged... not bad considering the awful weather that we have been having.

The Club Competition is looking good, with Auckland currently well in the lead thanks to the only double-figures flight, a 31km flat triangle by Wayne Rohrs, from a new site he has pioneered on the Kaimais Range.